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water point中文是什么意思

用"water point"造句"water point"怎么读"water point" in a sentence


  • 取水点
  • 水掣
  • 饮水点
  • 引水点
  • 贮水池;取水地点


  • Water points . then on destroying the fire , which lit the stove ,
  • Then point pots , small puppets will soon withered flower water point window he swooped in terms of water , so identified certain elements of the small - 3 : e
    然后点盆,小木偶会给快枯萎的花浇水点窗口他则把水喝掉,所以,一定确定要点到小盆3 :浇完水,点小花。
  • The works comprise mainly painting or installation of cladding or tiles on ceilings , walls , columns , floors , staircases and railings ; renewal of lighting system ; replacement of existing railing by stainless steel railing ; planting works and associated planter boxes and water points installation
  • According to the hydrogeology character , water point distributed rule and water amount dynamic in balitang coal mine , for mining steep coal seam under water , the prevention and cure measures were provided , which were " , dredging " , and " , drawing " , are main and " , blocking " , and " , hinding " , are auxiliary
    从矿井水文地质特征、出水点分布规律及水量动态入手,对于水体下开采急倾斜煤层的八里塘煤矿,针对性地提高“疏、排”为主、 “堵、躲”为辅的综合水害防治措施。
  • Wave off into shallow waters , seabed by the friction effect change steep wave front , trough ice , water points trajectory showed reciprocating flow , but also to the shore into the flow speed usually return rate greater than offshore , the net result of sediment at the bottom to the shore handling , and was the shock waves on the shore with the water current - riviera online accumulation
用"water point"造句  


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